Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4 Tips to Prevent Expensive PC Repairs

Early detection of any problems your PC may be having is vital to prevent further damage from occurring. Therefore it's important for every computer user to spend some time looking for any signs of trouble. It's highly recommended that you keep your PC in good health and you will be rewarded with a fast, smoothly running machine.

Carrying out regular maintenance will alert you to any sign of trouble ahead. Catching any problems early can mean the difference between a simple clean up or a costly repair job.

The following steps should be carried out on a regular basis and should keep your PC in tip top condition.

1. Run Disk Defragmenter.

Over time, the data stored on your PCs hard drive will scatter as information is stored randomly according to what free space is available. This will result in your computer taking longer periods to access the necessary files and therefore a slower performing PC. Defragging will shift these blocks of data so they sit simultaneously as much as possible, making your computer locate data much quicker.

How to defrag your PC :
- Click on Start
- Choose Programs
- Select Accessories
- Click on System Tools
- Select Disk Defragmenter
- Choose the drive you want defragmented

Defragmenting the hard drive can take quite a considerable amount of time. Always close down any programs that are running as these may cause the tool to restart every so often.

2. Use Disk Cleanup.

The Windows Operating System has an in-built system tool which will remove unneeded files safely from the hard disk. A hard disk which is cluttered with data an cause a slow performing PC. The Disk Cleanup tool is used for the following maintenance tasks :
- To empty the recycle bin
- To delete temporary Windows and the Internet files
- To delete unused programs and applications
- To delete downloaded program files
- To remove obsolete Windows components

3. Remove Spyware and Adware.

Whilst surfing the Internet or downloading files and programs, these malicious pieces of software can be installed on your PC unintentionally . They can cause severe performance problems and can pose a security threat so need to be dealt with properly. Running regular Spyware and Adware scans will remove these unwanted programs and restore your PC to optimal performance levels.

4. Scan Your Registry.

With regular installation and removal of programs and even general day to day tasks, lots of information gets placed in the Windows Registry, some of which will no longer be needed. This redundant data overloads the registry, making the PC take longer in locating required information, which in turn slows up your computers speed and can cause your system to stall or crash. By running a registry scan regularlythis unnecessary data can be located and removed resulting in a much more efficient registry system and therefore a fast smooth running PC. We highly recommend the newest version of RegCure 2008.

Performing regular maintenance tasks on your PC will root out any problems before damage can be caused.

Source : windowsaccelerator